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Ruby Devs

We make PenguinMod and TurboWarp cooler.

How to import an extension

In PenguinMod

  1. Go to the PenguinMod editor
  2. Click the extensions button
  3. Click on "Load Custom Extension"
  4. Click on the "File" tab
  5. If you didn't before, go to our gallery and download an extension by clicking the "try" button
  6. Upload the extension's file
  7. Check the "Load Unsandboxed" checkmark to load the extension without any restrictions
  8. Enjoy!

In TurboWarp

  1. Go to the TurboWarp editor
  2. Click the extensions button
  3. Scroll down until you see "Custom Extension" then click on it
  4. Click on the "File" tab
  5. If you didn't before, go to our gallery and download an extension by clicking the "try" button
  6. Upload the extension's file
  7. Check the "Run extension without sandbox" checkmark to load the extension without any restrictions
  8. Enjoy!